With increased awareness of the need to protect nuclear material from unlawful activities, the international community is taking action to strengthen the physical protection regime. States are discussing the possibilities to broaden the scope of the Convention of Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials; the IAEA has, together with Member States, carried through a review of INFCIRC/225 to become Rev. 4; an increased number of States have requested the IAEA to arrange for an international appraisal of their physical protection systems; increased opportunities are being requested for training of staff involved in physical protection at national and facility levels; and of obtaining technical advise on equipment and specific issues. The IAEA has, as part of its programme Security of Material, increased its activities for the physical protection of nuclear materials, being aware that this protection is an essential element in preventing nuclear material from becoming the subject of illicit trafficking. The IAEA has created the office of Physical Protection and Material Security within the Department of Safegauards, to provide a focal point for the programme Security of Material, and to demonstrate the connection of physical protection to nuclear non-proliferation.