A Guide for Detector Development and Deployment

William S. Charlton - Texas A&M University
Craig M. Marianno - Nuclear Security Science and Policy Institute
David R. Boyle - Texas A&M University
Gary M. Gaukler - Texas A&M University
A more efficient process for developing and fielding new radiation detection technology is needed. Radiation detection systems are frequently installed and implemented based on immediate needs. This procedure often occurs without considering all the factors that will influence the ultimate effectiveness of the system. For instance, in major shipping ports portal radiation monitors are primarily made out of plastic scintillators and are placed at specific exits to detect illicit radioactive material. This placement of detectors helpfully minimizes their affect on port operations, but is it the most efficient placement and available technology for the mission? As new detector technology appears on the market, rather than simply replacing current detectors with new ones, a systems approach should be applied to most effectively deploy the new technology. Texas A&M University, through a grant from the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, is developing a framework that will help evaluate new detection technologies and examine how to use that technology in the most efficient way. This paper focuses on the detection of shielded highly enriched uranium in large shipping containers. Our multi-disciplinary approach includes detector and transport code development and takes into account industrial engineering and socio-economic concerns. The presentation will highlight how new detector technology is incorporated into the framework and how both Monte Carlo and Deterministic simulations are used to optimize detector types and placement. Socio-economic studies will be described, as well has how best practices from the shipping port industry are taken into account.