The RadScan™ 800 4p Gamma Imaging System was used at the Turkey Point PWR Nuclear Plant over a two-day period on February 1st and 2nd, 2006. The unique RadScan™ 800 is a remote operated gamma spectroscopy scanning system that is capable of quickly and safely locating and identifying radiation hazards. Using proven technology the RadScan™ 800 remotely locates and characterizes gamma radiation anomalies with exceptional accuracy in a wide variety of environments, including building surfaces, hot cells, in or on glove boxes and process vessels, and within excavations. Three surveys were conducted using the RadScan™ 800 on the Unit 4 fuel transfer canal at Turkey Point. For the first survey, the RadScan™ 800 was set up on the east end of the fuel transfer canal. In this orientation the west wall and a portion of the bottom of the canal were surveyed. For the second survey, the RadScan™ 800 was positioned directly over the canal more to the west side. In this orientation the east wall of the transfer canal was surveyed. For the final survey, the RadScan™ 800 was mounted horizontally to the spent fuel bridge and placed directly over the transfer canal. In this orientation the entire bottom of the canal was surveyed. Dose rate survey maps were produced and compared against gamma and video imaging. Exact locations of hot particles were pin pointed within the fuel transfer canal providing vital information to assist in ALARA practice and planning.