The IAEA receives information relevant to safeguards from a number of different sources, namely, State-declared nuclear material accounting and facility design information; information supplied voluntarily, such as nuclear procurement data; commercial satellite imagery; information from design information verifications (DIVs), inspections and complementary access; and open source information. By supporting the implementation of in-field verification activities and contributing to the State evaluation process, the analysis of all this information („all-source information analysis?) is essential to the IAEA?s safeguards system. It also enables a more reliable cross-examination of data to ensure consistency and completeness, as well as contributing to more in-depth investigations involving possible safeguards compliance issues. The Agency?s ability to compare State-declared information against information on illicit nuclear procurement networks, possible trafficking in nuclear materials, and scientific and technical information on nuclear-related research and development programmes, complements existing measures for monitoring nuclear developments, and increases the Agency?s prospects for detecting possible undeclared nuclear activities. Likewise, expert analysis of commercial satellite imagery plays a critical role for monitoring un-safeguarded sites and facilities. In sum, the combination of these measures can assist in the early identification of possible undeclared nuclear material or activities, thereby enhancing the safeguards system?s capacity to deter such activities and increasing confidence in safeguards conclusions. By increasing confidence that nuclear material and technologies in States under safeguards are used solely for peaceful purposes, safeguards that are fully information driven will strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation regime. The collection, processing, expert analysis, and integration of these information sources are conducted by the Division of Information Management (SGIM), within the IAEA?s Department of Safeguards. Continued investments and voluntary contributions through the Member State Support Programmes are vital to maintain and develop this effort.