In performing its safeguards verification mandate, the IAEA relies on sophisticated equipment and associated software to make independent Non-Destructive Assay (NDA) measurements. These hardware/software NDA systems are developed by either commercial enterprises or research institutes and are extensively tested by the Agency before being authorized for inspection use. The systems are critical tools that enable the Agency to draw independent conclusions. The process of developing, testing, authorizing, and implementing new equipment is lengthy and costly for the Agency. Once equipment has been fully implemented, effort is made to utilize the hardware and software to the extent possible. Currently, typical digital equipment lifecycles are 5-7 years. To address problems associated with long-term use of specialized systems, the Agency has adapted a concept of equipment “sustainability” that recognizes the need to extend the lifetimes by assuring an adequate supply of critical components and by judiciously selecting computer software/hardware that enable the Agency to stay abreast with technology evolution. Factors affecting the NDA systems include availability, product lifetime, obsolescence, supplier economic stability, diversity of suppliers, price and property rights. The sustainability program also focuses on reducing Agency vulnerability and dependence on third parties. Additional advantages of the sustainability approach include a reduction in procurement costs, much easier user familiarization and training for the equipment, and a simplified and more optimized maintenance program.