Alternatives to 3 He for Neutron Detection for Homeland Security

J H Ely - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
R T Kouzes - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Kenneth E. Conlin - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Edward R. Siciliano - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Neutron detection is an essential aspect of interdiction of radiological threats for national security purposes, since plutonium, a material used for nuclear weapons, is a significant source of fission neutrons. Radiation portal monitoring systems, of which there are thousands deployed for homeland security and non-proliferation purposes, currently use 3 He gas-filled proportional counters for detecting neutrons. Because of the high usage of 3 He for neutron scattering science and national security, the supply has dwindled, and can no longer meet the demand. Consequently, a replacement technology for neutron detection is required in the very near future.