In France, the Institute for Nuclear Protection and Safety (IPSN) centralizes the nuclear materials accounting (movements and stock variations) for all French companies on behalf of the Ministry of Industry. All these informations are collected in real time in a computer base system call CICLAMEN. The Data are used by the French authorities in order to achieve their mission of nuclear material control and by the sworn inspectors of this Ministry to conduct field inspections. on parallel, EURATOM declarations of French companies are elaborated or centralized and transmitted monthly to the European Commission. Since the volume and precision of movements and variations grow up, the simple collection of data becomes more and more arduous to analyze and to verify. This paper will mainly focus on the new methods the IPSN is working on, in order to provide more efficient data and to detect and highlight important or suspect movements or variations. The generalization of an acknowledgment declaration for each extrasite exchange is an illustration of the orientation to detect as soon as possible each deviation of the accounting system.