From Awareness Raising to Capacity Building in Nuclear Forensics in South East Asia

K. Mayer - European Commission – Joint Research Centre
Jean Galy - Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research-Sosny
N. Dion - National Nuclear Security Administration
D. Smith - National Nuclear Security Administration
Illicit trafficking of nuclear and other radioactive materials is an international concern. Whenever illicit nuclear or other radioactive material is detected, an appropriate response process needs to be initiated. An important element of the response process is the nuclear forensic investigation of the intercepted material. Obviously, we need to define what composes an \"appropriate\" response, what authorities are in charge and what technical capabilities are required. Sustainable success in the fight against illicit nuclear trafficking can only be achieved if the origin of the material can identified and, in consequence, if the protection of the material at the place of theft or diversion will be improved. Information on the nature and on the history of nuclear material can be obtained through nuclear forensic analysis. Whenever nuclear material is intercepted from illicit trafficking, the investigating authorities request rapid and reliable information on the seized material. To this end, a number measures have to be implemented in order to ensure that the appropriate legal and administrative instruments are in place, that the technical infrastructure supporting the investigations is available and that the scientific skills and instrumentation are provided. In a joint undertaking, the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) and the US National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) implemented a project in South East Asia for raising awareness on the phenomenon of illicit nuclear trafficking, for sharing experience in responding to nuclear security incidents and for paving the way for establishing nuclear forensics capabilities in that region. The paper describes the strategy developed for implementing the project in partnership between JRC and NNSA. Workshops and seminars were held in cooperation with and hosted by partners from the region; the IAEA was associated to these events and the ASEAN Regional Forum provided the regional platform.