Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended (MCNPX) is a computer program developed over the course of several decades at Los Alamos National Laboratory. MCNPX simulates the transportation of various particles (typically neutrons, photons, or electrons) through matter. The MCNPX user defines a simulation scenario, often intended to mimic a real-life experiment, using line-by-line commands in a text-based input file. The input file divides Euclidean space into sub-volumes called “cells”; each cell can be filled with custom-defined material or left empty. Simulated particles (for example, photons) are launched inside the model based on commands for source particle location, energy, and direction. Each simulated particle is propagated through the model according to physical interactions represented in the MCNPX program. MCNPX simulates interactions using “Monte Carlo” methods, as explained in MCNPX documentation. Tallies defined by the user provide results of the simulation scenario, for example, the fraction of source photons that reach a given cell or surface. For statistically significant tally results in a complicated model, the simulation may require a very large number of source particles. MCNPX and its predecessor, Monte Carlo Neutron Photon (MCNP), evolved over time to include new particle transport capabilities. MCNPX is a commonly used simulation tool in the safeguards community, especially among those who evaluate proposed instrument designs and measurement techniques. A naïve user might assume that all physical processes in MCNPX affecting one’s model are rendered with high fidelity, and not realize that some processes are rendered with low fidelity, or are not included at all. In this paper, the author describes MCNPX simulation scenarios involving x-ray fluorescence that would benefit greatly from increased fidelity. Some modified tallying techniques are also proposed; these techniques would allow certain x-ray simulation problems to be solved much faster (requiring fewer source particles to be launched). Applications of the proposed MCNPX improvements to x-ray instruments in safeguards are discussed.