A Practical Guide to Measurement Control Experience on Non-destructive Assay Equipment at the Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility

M. J. Schanfein - Los Alamos National Laboratory
L. A. Bruckner - Los Alamos National Laboratory
If you are looking for the elegant application of statistical approaches or a sophisticated analysis of a measurement control system, read no further. However, if you are interested in experiences developing, implementing, modifying, and living with a practical measurement control program for non-destructive assay equipment, please continue. This paper goes through the basis for measurement control at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Plutonium Facility, including the philosophy, types of safeguards, accountability instruments used for quantitative assays, frequency of tests, statistics used, the link to the LANL accountability system, management structure, how measurement control works daily and monthly, common causes of failure, deficiencies, and future upgrades.