Space and Defense Power Systems: Innovative Power Solutions for Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Alice K. Caponiti - U.S. Department of Energy
Wade P. Carroll - U.S. Department of Energy
The Space and Defense Power Systems Program of the Department of Energy has for over fifty years provided innovative and reliable energy solutions to customers who require long term power sources that function in remote or hostile environments. These power systems have performed for as long as several decades, such as the Voyager space mission, and been capable of outputs in the tens of milliwatts to several hundred watt range. These systems are utilized extensively by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and have been key systems enabling the Galileo, Cassini, New Horizons and Mars Science Laboratory missions, to name a few of the space missions that have benefitted by their use. The infrastructure required to perform this function resides at several national laboratories and key industrial partners. This paper will describe the capabilities and processes involved in providing for this vital national need.