The National Nuclear Security Administration identified potential opportunities to strengthen safeguards related to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) transit matching under Information Circular (INFCIRC)/207. The Office of Nonproliferation and Arms Control hosted a strategy meeting with representatives from the IAEA and Member States to identify potential opportunities to strengthen safeguards related to their reporting activities under INFCIRC/207. The workshop was held at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, on February 21-22, 2018. It consisted of a combination of presentations, case studies, and open discussions relating to the reporting requirements, current practices, and potential improvements. Each Member State provided a summary of its reporting activities. Representatives from the IAEA provided insight into the overall international safeguards reporting process. As the workshop progressed, areas of commonalities and differences were identified among the Member States. The result was a clearer understanding of the impacts related to reporting under INFCIRC/207 and a commitment to work together to strengthen safeguards. This paper will discuss the meeting in detail, describe the issues and accomplishments identified by the group, and share the conclusions made to further strengthen safeguards.