Since 2002, the Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ANRA), with support from U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), has worked to achieve and maintain a high level of regulatory oversight and control of safety and security of radiation sources in Armenia. The principle goal of this effort is to reduce the likelihood of the use of radiation sources in the radiological dispersal device (an RDD or “dirty bomb”) or radiological exposure device (RED). One mechanism by which Armenia intends to achieve this goal is through aggressive implementation of IAEA-sponsored Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radiation Sources. Specifically ANRA has completed development and implementation of their national radioactive source database (registry). ANRA now has current information (type, owner, use, etc.) on the approximately 1,300 radioactive sources in use in Armenia. Disposition of these sources has been verified by ANRA through onsite inspections. To strengthen the legal basis ANRA developed an amendment to the Armenia’s basic nuclear law which has been signed into law by the President of Armenia in December of 2004. ANRA has also prepared and is moving forward to adopt several new regulatory requirements (rules and regulations) that identify safety and security requirements applicable to the use of radioactive sources in Armenia. ANRA has prepared procedures and guidance to authorize (license)the use and handling of radioactive sources and is moving towards licensing of the users of radiation sources in 2006. In 2004 ANRA has established two regional offices in the city of Goris and Vanadzor from which it will conduct regional inspection and enforcement activities relative to radiation sources. Lastly, the paper addresses administrative and legal challenges that exist in Armenia and other countries of the Former Soviet Union in establishing and maintaining regulatory control over radiation sources.