DOE-STD-3013-96, \"Criteria for Preparing and Packaging Plutonium Metals and Oxides for Long-Term Storage,\" describes requirements for containers which will be used at Hanford, Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, Rocky Flats, and Savannah River. Plutonium, plutonium/ uranium mixtures, and other nuclear materials will be repackaged into these containers for longterm storage at the sites or at one or more central storage repositories. Stabilization and repackaging activities give the Department an opportunity to better characterize and measure these materials. Measurements of these materials should meet the requirements of all cognizant DOE programs, should be technically defensible, and should be comparable at all DOE facilities. The DOE Office of Safeguards and Security Field Operations Division, with the assistance of the New Brunswick Laboratory, is working with DOE facilities, DOE Operations Offices, and DOE headquarters elements to develop an Inter-Site Agreement which combines requirements of DOE policy, applicable guidance and consensus standards, and cognizant DOE Operations Office direction. The document will assist a consistent approach to safeguards of the repackaged materials by establishing minimal measurements requirements; establishing compatible formats for safeguards data; assisting the preparation of traceable standards; and implementing interlaboratory measurement comparison programs.