The Importance of Nondestructive Assay (NDA) Measurements to Nuclear Safeguards, Material Control and Accountability, Safety, and Security

James K. Sprinkle, Jr. - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Stephen Croft - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Stephen Croft - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Peter A. Santi - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Peter A. Santi - Los Alamos National Laboratory
James K. Sprinkle Jr. - Los Alamos National Laboratory
David Bracken - Idaho National Laboratory
Nondestructive Assay (NDA) measurements are performed to determine properties of nuclear material bearing items without opening the item or altering the physical or chemical state of the nuclear material. Applications of NDA measurements range from simple qualitative detection or identification of nuclear materials to the accurate quantitative determination of the amount present. The results of NDA measurements are used for various purposes associated with nuclear facility operations to determine whether a facility is operating in a safe, secure, and compliant manner. The improper performance or application of NDA measurements within a facility has the potential of misleading both facility personnel and outside inspectors or auditors into inaccurate conclusions regarding aspects of the operation of the nuclear facility or the usage of nuclear material. Since NDA techniques provide a core capability in determining defensible accountability values across the domestic U.S. nuclear complex, providing independent measured values for international inspectors, providing input into criticality safety compliance, and are a key part of enabling process flow and production in all facilities; any major weakness in the application of NDA techniques has the potential to suspend facility operations. Personnel who are involved in performing, analyzing, managing or using the results of NDA measurements must be properly trained and supported in their activities to reasonably expect that NDA measurement results with the requisite accuracy are achieved and to have confidence that facilities are compliant with regulations and procedures. Consistent and comprehensive NDA training is required to give such personnel a broader understanding of how their work affects the operations of their facility and will help ensure that the application of NDA measurements across the industry is uniform.