The George Kuzmych Training Center (GKTC) was created at the Kyiv Institute of Nuclear Research (KINR) in Kyiv, Ukraine as a result of collaborative efforts between the United States, the European Commission (EC) and the government of Ukraine. The GKTC has been designated by the Ukrainian Government to provide nuclear materials protection, control and accounting (MPC&A) training and methodological assistance to nuclear facilities and nuclear specialists. An additional important role the GKTC has undertaken is providing for an exchange of experiences and information between Ukrainian and international specialists to help ensure the establishment of a strong MPC&A culture in the region. With that purpose in mind, the US, EC and Ukraine have organized a series of technical seminars covering several areas of interest in MPC&A. To date, seven conferences have been held ± each done partially at an operating nuclear facility for hands-on tours and familiarization visits. The conferences are normally attended by 50-60 Ukrainian specialists, as well as regulatory oversight personnel and 8-10 international experts from the US, European Union, IAEA, EURATOM and other international partners. The principal goal of the conference series was to provide opportunities for Ukrainian experts to present their achievements and activities and to allow an exchange of information and experiences among Ukrainian facilities and international experts as well as to strengthen relationships among colleagues and enhance communications networks for future accomplishments and issues. Participants always particularly appreciate the opportunity to exchange experiences, discuss the newly installed technologies and discuss questions in an open and extended fashion. The result of each seminar was a printed set of proceedings, containing all papers and abstracts. This paper briefly describes WKH??*.7&??RYHUDOO??DQG??GLVFXVVHG??WKH??FRQIHUHQFH??VHULHV¶?? important contributions in Ukraine and the region to disseminate information on modern MPC&A methods and provide a forum for exchange on problems and issues facing nuclear specialists worldwide.