Sandia National Laboratories is currently pursuing the development of the nextgeneration fiber optic loop seal, the Secure Sensor Platform (SSP). The new device is based upon the previously designed multi-mission electronic sensor and communication platform. This platform launched the development of the T-1A, which is currently in production at Honeywell FM&T for the Savannah River Site. The T-1A is configured as an active-fiber optic seal with authenticated, bi-directional RF communications, capable of supporting external sensors. The design of the SSP enhances virtually all of the existing capabilities of the T-1A and adds many new features and capabilities, such as support for standard encryption and authentication; solid-state, 3-axis motion detection; and a new message-rich communication protocol with greater noise immunity. Additionally, the SSP will provide such capabilities as intrinsic code verification, active collision avoidance, and simple, secure remote internet access to SSP message data. The SSP is designed for low-cost production by utilizing automated assembly processes and minimizing manual processes. The versatility of this new device allows the capabilities to be selected and tailored to best fit the specific application. This paper discusses the capabilities of the new-generation fiber optic loop seal and sensor platform as well as the potential application theater, which can range from rapid, remotely-monitored, temporary deployments to long-term item storage monitoring. This next generation technology suite addresses the combination of sealing requirements with requirements in unique materials’ identification, environmental monitoring, and remote long-life secure communications.