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The International Source Suppliers and Producers Association (ISSPA) comprise most of the world’s major manufacturers of sealed sources. In 2009 and 2010, the author was Chairman of the IAEA International Steering Committee (ISC) on the Denial of Shipment of Radioactive Material, and since that time has continued to actively participate on the ISC management team. We are all impacted by the peaceful uses of radioactive material. Currently, more than 35 million nuclear medicine procedures are performed annually around the world using short lived radioisotopes. Cobalt-60 sealed sources are used for external beam radiation cancer treatment with more than 45,000 treatments per day in some 50 countries globally. In addition, Cobalt-60 sterilizes some 45% of all single use medical disposable products, and in the food industry preserves food and sterilizes food packaging materials. Further, radioactive sources are used in industrial applications to check weld and structural integrity; in industrial facilities for process control; in drug discovery; and in numerous other industrial, agricultural and home applications. Use of these products is dependent upon safe, secure, timely and cost efficient transportation both within and between countries. Delay or denial of these shipments has a direct and potentially serious and life threatening impact on industry, on health care and on individuals around the world. Reported denials now number in the hundreds with several hundred more identified but not formally reported. This issue was discussed at PATRAM 2010. What has happened in the interim? Where and why are these denials still occurring? What are international agencies, regulators and industry doing? What impact are these actions having in mitigating or resolving denials? The IAEA had a target of reducing denials to an “insignificant level” by 2013. What is the status of this target? Further, the structure of the Steering Committee is changing significantly - what are these changes and will they have a positive or negative impact on the work completed to date or now underway? This presentation will answer these questions and more, and will provide industry perspectives on how the issues causing denial of shipment can be addressed.