The U.S.-Russian cooperation on Materials Protection, Control and Accounting (MPC&A) systems upgrades started in 1993. It is currently being implemented under the Agreement between the United States Government and the Russian Federation Government on Cooperation in Physical Protection, Control, and Accounting of Nuclear Materials of October 2, 1999. The major efforts of both parties are primarily focused on upgrades of MPC&A engineering and technical systems at the Russian sites and implementation of advanced security system technologies, as well as on activities to provide for sustainability of MPC&A systems implemented with the U.S. financial support. The MPC&A upgrades will completed by the beginning of 2009. Upon completion of the site-wide upgrades, each site will start a transition period that will last though 2012. Starting in 2013, when the U.S. support of the MPC&A Program stops, a new phase of cooperation between Rosatom and U.S. DOE will be initiated, and this new phase will be based on the exchange of technical information and operational experience. According to the decision of the Joint Coordinating Committee, a Joint Sustainability Working Group was founded to coordinate sustainability activities. During five meetings held in 2005- 2006, this working group decided to develop the Draft Sustainability Plan, and agreed upon major sustainability elements. This paper discusses development of the MPC&A Sustainability Plan and further required actions for the Joint Sustainability Working Group.