Since the 1990’s the United States and the Russian Federation have been working cooperatively to improve the security of the weapons-useable nuclear materials that Russia inherited as a result of the break-up of the former Soviet Union. This cooperation involves financial and in-kind contributions by both partners to install and operate upgraded material protection, control and accounting systems at Russian nuclear facilities. U.S. law mandates that the Department of Energy transition full support for the upgraded MPC&A program to the Russian Federation by January 1, 2013. To meet this goal, DOE and Rosatom have developed a joint sustainability plan that identifies key elements of a sustainable MPC&A program, and the corresponding requirements for sustaining MPC&A upgrades and infrastructure in the Russian Federation. The next step will be to identify who will be responsible for funding each requirement over a transition period, thereby shifting the financial responsibility for MPC&A programs to full Russian support by January 1, 2013.