Ensuring the effective and continued operations of upgraded security systems at sites in Russia that store, process, or handle weapons grade nuclear material and have participated in the Material Protection, Control and Accounting (MPC&A) Program is a critical aspect of maintaining the integrity of implemented nuclear materials safeguards and risk reduction. The upgraded security systems must be maintained through creative approaches because of the need to address the unique characteristics of nuclear sites in Russia, which face political, bureaucratic and federal infrastructure constraints, as well as different reporting requirements and oversight agencies. Several sites in Russia have completed MPC&A systems, and approximately two dozen others are scheduled to finish full security upgrades within the next three years. Accelerated schedules, advanced completion dates, and overall security enhancements at nuclear facilities throughout Russia under the MPC&A program require a well-defined strategic plan for sustaining operations at upgraded sites. The MPC&A Program has developed and continues to expand criteria documents and crosscutting initiatives that will help drive sustained MPC&A operations at upgraded sites. The goal of these documents is to identify specific elements for project teams to consider when planning MPC&A upgrades and later when developing a sustainability strategy. The more difficult task is to determine the point at which Russian infrastructure and resources succeed the U.S. support commitment and establish full Russian stewardship of upgraded MPC&A systems. This paper will outline the steps taken by the MPC&A Program to facilitate successful maintenance regimes, provide useful lessons learned and case studies, and reflect on ways to actively advance Russian ownership of security operations.