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ROBATEL INDUSTRIES has been manufacturing transportation casks for radioactive components for over 50 years. ROBATEL INDUSTRIES has developed up to 73 type B casks and manufactured over 500 casks units. These casks are designed for different types of materials: spent fuel rods, metallic waste, radioactive liquids, sources ... As an overview we present today three of our last transportation casks: R68 package This cask has been designed for EDF in order to transport C1PG concrete hulls which can not be classified as IP2 package because they are beyond the dose limit. The cover makes the upper third of the cask, which enables the gripping of the hull. The cavity gap is 0 1440 mm x 1320 mm. The loaded weight is 21 tons. The cask is shielded with stainless steel. R72 package This cask has been ordered for R&D purpose by EDF for rods transportation. It contains up to 10 rods type VOX or MOX of a total thermal power of 1250 W. The loaded weight is 21.5 tons. The cask is shielded with lead and ROBATEL PNT7 compound: Tfie'rodsare put into a canister which is placed into a sealed casing. The casing can be horizontally transferred into the examination cells. R73 package This cask has been ordered by EDF and is currently being designed by ROBATEL INDUSTRIES. It is designed for the transportation of activated metallic waste issued from dismantling of nuclear plants. The transported waste is packaged before storage. The capacity is about 2 tons of activated metallic waste, or 0,74m3 , for an activity of maximum 400 TBq of equivalent 60Co and a 555 kg! m3 specific gravity. Its large cavity (0 1040 mm x 935 mm) is designed to receive a basket containing the waste. The cask is shielded with lead and stainless steel.