During the last three years, Aquila Technologies has provided manufacturer's support to its customer, the IAEA. This support has included the utilization of on-site and off-site experts. The primary focus of the work has been in support of the Modular Integrated Video System (MIVS). Over 160 units are presently installed in facilities in which video surveillance is utilized by the IAEA Inspectorate. This paper reports on the formation, maturation, and utilization of the support program developed around the MIVS product. A look at the complex issue of technical support is surveyed, with specific examples of how a combined approach of user's resources and manufacturer's representation was utilized to approach solution. A summary and analysis of those technical and administrative problems unique to the fielding and utilization of safeguards equipment, will be presented. Collection of commissioning and ongoing maintenance data, and the application of these data to future development of safeguards instruments will be discussed. An estimate of the true life cycle costs of the development, procurement, commissioning, maintenance support and decommissioning regarding the financial, management, and environmental perspectives will be given.