Material Control and Accountability (MC&A) Recovery from the Cerro Grande Fire at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LA-UR-01-03502)

William E. Haag - Los Alamos National Laboratory
During the week of May 10-14, 2000, the Cerro Grande Fire scorched over 40,000 acres of prime forestland and destroyed over 400 homes in the Los Alamos community and several structures at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). Of the land affected by the fire, nearly one quarter of it was Laboratory property. All of LANL's 64 material balance areas (MBAs) were affected to some degree, but one Category I technical area and several Category III and IV areas sustained heavy damage. When the MC&A personnel were allowed to return to work on May 23, they addressed the following problems: How do we assure both ourselves and the Department of Energy (DOE) that no nuclear materials had been compromised? How do we assist the nuclear material (NM) custodians and their operating groups so that they can resume normal MC&A operations? Immediately after the return to work, the Laboratory issued emergency MC&A assurance actions for Category I through Category IV facilities. We conducted special inventories, area walk-throughs, and other forms of evaluation so that within a month after the fire, we were able to release the last MBA to resume work and assure that all nuclear material had been accounted for. This paper discusses the measures LANL adopted to ensure that none of its nuclear material had been compromised.