A Survey of Euratom Research and Development Activities

P.J. Chare - European Commission—Euratom Safeguards
M. Swinhoe - European Commission—Euratom Safeguards
W. Kloeckner - European Commission—Euratom Safeguards
R. Schenkel - Euratom Safeguards Directorate
H.G. Wagner - Euratom Safeguards Directorate
This paper describes the current Research and Development activities being supported and funded by EURATOM Safeguards. Particular undertakings in the areas of Non Destructive Assay, seals, video surveillance, monitoring and logging, destructive analysis/On Site Laboratories, data treatment, and Containment and Surveillance fields are described, as well as the developed equipment under field test or already implemented. The development work is described in relation to the arrangements and fundamental support being provided by the Joint Research Centre in its laboratories at KARLSRUHE, ISPRA, and GEEL. In addition more specific projects under bilateral arrangements, contracts between EURATOM and individual research laboratories, and specific contracts placed on industrial companies both inside and outside Europe are mentioned under the particular subject fields.