The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA relies on its member states to assist with recruiting qualified individuals for positions within the IAEA's secretariat. It is important that persons within and outside the U.S. nuclear and safeguards industries become aware of career opportunities available at the IAEA, and informed about important vacancies. The IAEA has established an impressive web page to advertise opportunities for employment. However, additional effort is necessary to ensure that there is sufficient awareness in the United States of these opportunities, and assistance for persons interested in taking positions at the IAEA. In 1998, the subgroup on Safeguards Technical Support (SSTS) approved a special task under the U.S. Support Program to IAEA SAfeguards (USSP) for improving U.S. efforts to identify qualified candidates for vacancies in the IAEA's Department of Safeguards. The International Safeguards PRoject Office (ISPO) developed a plan that increased advertising, development of a wed page to support U.S. Recruitment efforts, feedback from U.S. Mission in Vienna, and interaction with other recruitment services provided by U.S. professional organizations. The main purpose of this effort is to educate U.S. citizens about Opportunities at the IAEA so that qualified candidates can be Identified for the IAEA's consideration.