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The Transport Container Standardisation Committee (TCSC) is a self-financing industry forum. The purpose of the TCSC is: \"To examine the requirements for containers for the safe transport of radioactive material with a view to standardisation and, as appropriate, produce and maintain guidance in the form of standards documentation\". The purpose of this poster session is to provide an overview to the range of standards produced. Design and Operation to Minimise Seizure of Fasteners, TCSC 31 - June 2005 provides guidance on the precautions to minimise the risk of galling . The Securing / Retention of Radioactive Material Packages on Conveyances, TCSC 1006 - December 2003 provides guidance on the design and operation of tie-down systems. Design of Transport Packaging for Radioactive Material, TCSC 1042 - December 2002 provides guidance and advice on criticality, containment, shielding, thermal and impact performance. Shielding Integrity Testing of Radioactive Material Transport Packaging, TCSC 1056 - December 2005 provides details of the methodology for assessing the quality of shielding using a range of techniques. Leakage Tests on Packages for Transport of Radioactive Materials, TCSC 1068 December 2005 covers a wide range of techniques that can be used to assess and measure containment. Marking, Labelling and Placarding of Packages Containing Radioactive Material - 1996 Regulations, TCSC 1073 - December 2005 is a summary of the legal requirements, with recommendations for good practice. Approval of Radioactive Material Transport Packages which do not require Competent Authority Approval, TCSC 1078 - July 2006 provides guidance for approvals of: Excepted Packages, Industrial Packages Type 1,2 & 3, Type A Packages. Lifting Points for Radioactive Material Transport Packages, TCSC 1079 - June 2003 makes recommendations on design, testing and inspection. Finishing Systems for Transport Containers, TCSC 1080 -December 2002 providesguide on the specification and application of coatings. Testing Radioactive Materials Transport Packagings, TCSC 1086 - December 2001 is complementary guidance on testing. The Application of Finite Element Analysis to Demonstrate Impact Performance of Transport Package Designs, TCSC 1087 - January 2007 provides current ‘good practice’ in FEA for the analysis of impact behaviour.