A comprehensive review of the IAEA recommendations for the physical protection of nuclear material (published as INFCIRC/225) was conducted during 1998 by national experts convened for this purpose. The revised document, Revision 4, represents an improvement in structure and clarity, particularly with regard to chapter 4 which deals with elements of a states system of physical protection. It now distinguishes more clearly between the role of the state to establish conditions to ensure that nuclear activities are properly protected and the role of nuclear operators to implement the states requirements in this area. The development of a Design Basis Threat has been introduced into the revised document as an essential element of a State's system, forming as it does a common basis for physical protection planning by the operator and approval of these arrangements by the state. Equally important, the document endorses the need for States to designate a competent authority which is empowered to establish and ensure the proper implementation of physical protection through adequate legal powers and independence from operators. Greater clarity is now provided in the area of compliance monitoring through the use of security surveys periodic inspections and reviewing the outcome of evaluations of physical protection systems carried out by operators. Recommendations are made to ensure corrective actions are taken where deficiencies are identified.