SAGSI - Standing Advisory Group on Safeguards Implementation - was established in 1975 by the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to advise him on the implementation of the Agency's system of international safeguards. The Group has over the years dealt with a great number of sensitive matters, some of which have had great impact on the development of the international safeguards system and its implementation. The aim of this paper is to present SAGSI in perspective of the historical role it has had and to elaborate on some of the pieces of advice it has provided the Director General with. The paper will also discuss procedures and methods of work used by SAGSI and the importance thereof. Finally, the paper will discuss how SAGSI could or should act in the future in order for it to best serve its dual purpose, namely to provide advise on technical aspects of safeguards and, as a group, to advise on design features of the next generation of the international safeguards system taking into account the fact that many of the changes that can be anticipated are more of a political than a technical nature.