Overview of the Nuclear Material Accounting System at the Savannah River Site

Ed T. Sadowski - Westinghouse Savannah River Company
Jerry M. O'Leary - Westinghouse Savannah River Company
The Comprehensive Nuclear Material Management System (CNMMS) is used to account for nuclear material at the Savannah River Site (SRS). The CNMMS deploys four servers and 21 client workstations distributed throughout 10 locations over the 300 square mile area of the SRS. The core of CNMMS is the Local Area Network Material Accounting System (LANMAS). Additional functions beyond those included in the LANMAS application that aid operations are engineered into site-specific components. These components assist with bulk processes, heavy water, laboratory, and tritium reservoir inventories and also support financial accounting and materials management. The implementation of the CNMMS in 1998 allowed the SRS to replace many individual and very different facility systems with one central system that improved information access and reliability and at the same time reduced operating costs. Reports from the CNMMS are routinely requested from and provided to other operating organizations due to the comprehensive nature of the data contained in the CNMMS. Future plans include data warehousing and closer integration with companion systems like Material Accounting with Sequential Testing (MAWST), the Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System (NMMSS), measurement systems, laboratory information systems, and shop floor manufacturing systems.