Equipment design optimization in safeguards applications has become increasingly important with the advent of remote monitoring applications. The definition of an “optimal” design is influenced by field engineers as well as the design engineers—a notion which requires the end-product to reflect the technology, operating environment, and inspection and maintenance methodology for the design of complex, integrated engineering systems (the behavior of which is determined by interacting subsystems). The theory of operation or methodology chosen is applicable not only to design in general, but also to parameter identification and control problems. It attempts to make the life cycle of a product and the design process less expensive and more reliable. As a result, a coordinated design effort between the field engineer and the design engineer/scientist eases the process of design and improves system performance by ensuring that the latest advances in each of the contributing disciplines are used to the fullest, taking advantage of the interactions between the subsystems. Although the potential of cooperative efforts for improving the design process and reducing the manufacturing cost of complex systems is widely recognized by the engineering community, the extent of practical application of the methodology is not as great as it should be. Thus the exchange of expertise is crucial for the implementation of a useful and reliable safeguards system. This paper includes examples of designs with and without field engineers involvement in the complete design process for remote monitoring safeguards projects. The projects demonstrate the need for the involvement of the field engineer in the initial design to enhance design optimization, identify practical needs, discuss the application, and contribute to the cooperative design framework.