Measurement Methods Training And Software Developed for Inspection of Small Gaseous Diffusion Plants

H.Y. Rollen Jr. - Y-12 National Security Complex
S.E. Smith - Y-12 National Security Complex
J.M. Whitaker - Y-12 National Security Complex
R.L. Mayer II - United States Enrichment Corporation
B.R. McGinnis - United States Enrichment Corporation
A.D. Bonino - Nuclear Regulatory Authority
M.A. Righetti - Nuclear Regulatory Authority
E. Gryntakis - International Atomic Energy Agency
A suite of measurement methods and software was developed to verify uranium inventory at small gaseous diffusion plants and to enable the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to perform inspections at the gaseous diffusion plant at Pilcaniyeu, Argentina. In addition, the Brazilian- Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC) will use the software to support its inspections at the facility. In November 2000, training was conducted on these measurement methods and software, and inspectors from the IAEA, ABACC, and other agencies participated. The training sessions were held in the Mock-Up Facility at the Pilcaniyeu plant. Inspectors received classroom training, used the measurement methods and software to calibrate instrumentation, performed quantitative measurements of process equipment and waste, located and quantified measurable deposits in process piping, performed enrichment measurements, and compared measurement results with operator declarations. Measurement results compared well with previous measurements on this equipment and with operator declarations.