The National System for the Accounting and Control of NM has international, regional and national objectives. At national level the objective is to account for and control of NM and activities in the State. The SSAC, an element of that system, provides an interface for the IAEA safeguards. Finnish SSAC includes the Operators, the State authorities include STUK and the Ministry of Trade and Industry. The one of the main activities of STUK is verification of the data and information provided by the Operator. STUK implements a measurement program supported by required research. In addition, in co-operation with other national authorities, STUK is accessing data and information, people and places to maintain required knowledge about materials, actors and activities of safeguards relevance. Objectives of above measures are to confirm the compliance with the law and other requirements and to deter, prevent and detect unauthorized use of nuclear materials by individuals or subnational groups within the State of Finland. To this end STUK collaborates with bilateral, regional and international partners. To ensure full use of its findings STUK offers an opportunity for the IAEA and the European Commission to audit its functions to prove the reliability of its services. Consequently, cost-effectiveness, confidence within and trust between the organizations would be improved. Such enhanced co-operation is particularly important at the stage of the project for final disposal of spent fuel. If continuity of knowledge is lost, re-verification (re-establishment of confidence) of the data and information at hand will not be possible at any reasonable cost. A robust system and mutual trust will secure effective safeguards now and in the future.