Matti Tarvainen - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland
S. Guardini - European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Marko Hämäläinen - Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority
As a joint effort by members of the ESARDA NDA Working Group (NDA-WG), a database has been developed to include detailed information of non-destructive assay (NDA) instruments and methods used for safeguards applications of the back-end of the fuel cycle. The ENDA database has been designed to allow user-friendly access of data. After the experience gained from the first phase, i.e. back-end of the fuel cycle, the database may be expanded to include instruments and methods used for safeguards applications of other parts of the fuel cycle. The database is designed using the Microsoft® Access 97 software. The present version is designed to be used in PCs while the final application of the ENDA will be used via Internet with access from the ESARDA web page (www.jrc.org/esarda). The ESARDA home page has been in use in the JRC Ispra since the beginning of the year 2000. Due to the database structure, all information will be easy to keep updated in a coordinated way by a responsible operator. ENDA is designed for use by anyone who likes to know what NDA instruments and methods are available and/or in use at different nuclear facilities around the world. It allows tailored inquiries of existing instruments and methods. The database is structured to have the main table Instrument/ Method. It includes basic information and features of the method as well as a measurement point indication. The number of separate measurement points is nine for the back-end of the fuel cycle. Instruments requiring similar measurement conditions are included in the same measurement point category. This includes features like measurements performed dry or under water for separate assemblies, fuel rods or shielded casks measured, fuel stored or moved as well as measurements performed under water or in air. The main table is linked to the tables called Developer/Supplier, Application Data, Pictures and Reports Info. Additional data tables include User Facility and Facility Type.