Development of Integrated Safeguards Approach for JNC-1 site from the operator’s viewpoint

Shigeo Fujiwara - Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
S. Takahashi - Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Takashi KIMURA - Japan Nuclear Cycle Development
Yasushi MIURA - Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Taketeru Nagatani - Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Junichi Fukuhara - Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Takashi Asano - Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institution
For Japanese nuclear facility operators, employing international safeguards is an absolutely necessary activity in order to get consensus on handling of nuclear materials internationally in this non-nuclear weapons’ country. However, operators also have to pursue efficient facility operation. Therefore, application of an efficient and effective safeguards approach is required. In particular, for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories (JNC-1 site) of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) which have a reprocessing plant and MOX fuel production facilities, application of the efficient and effective safeguards approach is important to minimize the burden placed on their operation by safeguards activities. These facilities treat large amounts of plutonium which is an unirradiated direct-use material and requires strict inspection and control. JAEA had been considering the IS approach for the JNC-1 site as a new concept in safeguards for further reduction of influence on facility operation by safeguards activities. The first discussion was carried out with IAEA in March 2004. IAEA has aimed at further improving efficiency and effectiveness of safeguards implementation for plutonium handling facilities by optimized use of the advanced safeguards systems and a new safeguards regime (e.g. expansion of the remote monitoring system in an entire facility, introduction of short notice random inspections, frequent MUF evaluations by the NRTA system etc.) without reduction of effectiveness of safeguards. The IS approach for the JNC-1 site was developed and implemented in August 2008 after many discussions among IAEA, Japan Safeguards Office (JSGO) and JAEA. This report summarizes experiences with the JNC-1 site IS approach from the operator’s viewpoint.