In August 2001, a group of U.S. technical experts demonstrated an Attribute Measurement System with an Information Barrier (AMSIB) for a delegation of Russian technical experts. The purpose of the demonstration was to show that attributes of a classified plutonium item of potential interest to arms control and nonproliferation transparency regimes could be ascertained without releasing any sensitive information. For this demonstration, both gamma-ray and neutron attributes were determined. We consider only the gamma-ray attributes here. The specific plutonium attributes measured were the isotopic ratio of 240Pu to 239Pu, the “age” of the plutonium (time elapsed since the most recent chemical purification of the plutonium), and the absence of plutonium oxide in the item’s storage container. In this paper, we briefly review the technologies employed for the attribute measurements used in the gamma-ray portion of the demonstration, concentrating on the results of the test measurements of the isotopic and age attributes made on unclassified items.