Implementing a safeguards system at a commercial reprocessing plant is a significant challenge in many respects, not least in the level of knowledge and training that must be attained by the relevant safeguards inspection staff. This knowledge and understanding is required in order to allow the proper evaluation of design information, the critical review of declared information and other data and the ability to have confidence in the assurance measures confirming the operational conditions of the facility. Coupled with verification systems of the highest sensitivity and reliability, timely and accurate analytical laboratory results and the thorough authentication of unattended verification systems a high level of knowledge and understanding on the part of the inspection staff will allow confidence in the safeguards approach to be maintained for the life time of the plant. A training manual was specially developed to identify the different training courses available from the Safeguards Departmental Training Programme and other specialized training needs required of the inspectors to effectively carryout their duties. The objective of this training manual is to establish a program to guide future RRP inspectors to gain the knowledge, acquire the skills and strengthen their competency required in performing the verification activities for routine inspections. After completion of this program, the inspector should be familiar with the relevant equipment, instruments and devices and have a good working knowledge of the facility and of the specific SG approach including the verification activities for routine inspection, as well as to coordinate inspections at RRP. The standardization level of training, skills and competence of IAEA inspectors are necessary to perform the Safeguards Inspections at RRP. The lack of training, skills or competence of inspectors may result in misunderstandings, inefficiency, unnecessary delays and failures in carrying out the verification activities and even failure to meet the Safeguards requirements.