Since 1971, the Central Scrap Management Office (CSMO) at the Y-12 National Security Complex has provided centralized leadership and management of enriched uranium scrap recovery, storage, and disposition services for U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) programs. The Y-12 CSMO provides technical assistance to DOE/National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), manages CSMO shipments and receipts at Y-12, and acts as the liaison between DOE/NNSA, off-site customers, and internal Y-12 organizations. The Y-12 CSMO has a long history of providing expertise and assistance to projects that contribute to the success of many important DOE/NNSA initiatives. In the last 10 years, mission focus has transformed across the Nuclear Security Enterprise (NSE), as DOE is now actively executing projects to downsize and deinventory facilities and dispose of legacy nuclear materials. This paper provides an overview of the last decade of CSMO work and illustrates how CSMO benefits the NSE by supporting important enterprise-wide initiatives (e.g., NSE deinventory, Savannah River Site H-Canyon dispositioning of orphan nuclear materials, nuclear non-proliferation, commercial uranium recovery, and start-up of the Y-12 Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility).