The paper describes the latest upgrades for the Advanced Remote Monitoring System (ARMS) designed for monitoring access to a fissile material storage facility, as well as providing a remote, highly reliable intrusion warning system. ARMS is a self-contained monitoring system. The single enclosure contains motion detectors, stationary video cameras, a web server, uninterruptible power supply, radio frequency (RF) communication capability, and Controller Area Network (CAN) and Ethernet interfaces. In the free-standing mode, the box is mounted on the vault ceiling to monitor access to protected areas. Event detection data is stored on the server, assigned a digital signature, and then transmitted via the Internet to remote user terminals. An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)-approved algorithm is used for authentication of transmitted information. The ARMS can incorporate the RF tag system as remote sensors. It can also receive signals from additional external sensors via a CAN bus and incorporate real-time video surveillance using the Internet.