Management Assessment as Improvement Tool

S.S. Redmon - BWXT Y-12, L.L.C.
In order to build and maintain a quality Materials Control and Accountability (MC&A) Program, there must be a tool to enhance continuous improvement. The organization must continually evaluate and assess the program to identify areas in need of improvement. During fiscal year 2002, the BWXT Y-12 MC&A organization was looking for an effective way to comprehensively make improvements to the program. The management assessment (selfassessment) method was chosen as the best tool. BWXT Y-12 MC&A has implemented this program as an integral process improvement tool. The methodology of this assessment process will be discussed and detailed in this paper and presentation, along with the method of documentation and tracking of findings, observations, and recommendations. The assessment process evaluates how we do business, the best way to do business, and a crosswalk for DOE Order compliance. Through this management assessment process, BWXT Y-12 MC&A has improved the way we do business. The process has illuminated topical areas in need of change leading to a focused effort to improve those areas, resulting in an improvement to the entire MC&A Program.