Testing, Maintenance and Life-cycle Management of Systems for a Russian Regional Sustainability Center

David Lambert - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Alexei M. Khudykin - Russian Research Center Kurchatov Institute
Eugeni Melkov - Russian Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”
William J. Toth - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Vladimir Sukchoruchkin - Russian Research Center Kurchatov Institute
As the implementation of technical centers created with DOE/NNSA support comes to fruition, it is necessary to address the final issues regarding long-term sustainability of the systems installed at the upgraded Russian sites. The issues of organization of testing, maintenance, and life-cycle management of installed systems have been fundamental in the design and organization of technical support centers. Today’s efforts involve organizing and implementing the processes for the maintenance of systems installed at upgraded sites and defining both the site and the technical center resources necessary for accomplishing this. Statistical analysis of systems’ equipment operation and failures enables engineers to correctly define necessary nomenclature, anticipated quantities of replacement equipment, and procedures for distribution of spare parts and consumables. This capability enables engineers to define necessary supplies required at the beginning of technical center operation to support sustainability activities for the systems installed at sites. The required processes to collect such data for analyses include: • Testing of the technical state and operability of hardware and software of installed physical protection systems; • Preventive maintenance of physical protection systems (PPS) installed at upgraded sites; • Service and repair of failed equipment; • Planning of distribution and consumption of spare parts and consumables; • Operation and update of database recording all activity on PPS equipment; • Analysis of systems’ operation, conducting of routine maintenance, and removal of possible design defects of the systems. The strategy and tactics during the period of transition from the current state of operations where maintenance is performed by equipment vendors to that in which operations are performed by military staff plays an important role in the planning and commissioning of these technical centers.