TRU-Waste Analysis and WIPP Drum Confirmations Using a Variety of Non- Destructive Assay Methods

R Maez - Los Alamos National Laboratory
T.E. Ricketts - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Leo P. Arehuleta - Los Alamos National Laboratory
A variety of Special Nuclear Material forms, which include all Pu isotopes and U235 from various waste streams are assayed in the Non-Destructive Assay (NDA) laboratory at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). Materials are assayed to determine if they meet the Safeguards Termination Limits (STLs) for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) program using segmented gamma scanners, neutron barrel counters, and active/passive neutron counters to determine whether they comply with established uncertainties. After meeting STL requirements, items are packaged into 55-gallon drums. The drums are brought back to the NDA lab and a confirmatory measurement is performed. The drums are sent to Solid Waste Operations at LANL for another confirmation before being shipped to WIPP in Carlsbad, NM. The accuracy of the assays has a major impact on the safety of the public and environment. This is not only for the reputation of Los Alamos National Laboratory but has national/international implications also. The poster will go into more detailed technical data on each of the individual NDA methods and their uncertainties and limits