When ratified, the United States/International Atomic Energy Agency (U.S./IAEA) Additional Protocol will apply to not only private U.S. nuclear-related activities, but also to the government's activities. In particular, the Department of Energy (DOE) is expected to have activities that are reportable or subject to IAEA inspection; such activities go beyond those currently subject to safeguards under the U.S./IAEA Safeguards Agreement. The activities subject to the new Additional Protocol include nuclear-related research and development not involving nuclear material, nuclear-related manufacturing, and certain exports/imports. To specify the new requirements that will be placed on DOE headquarters, field elements, and contractors, DOE Order 1270.2B, \"Safeguards Agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency,\" is being revised. In addition, a new DOE Manual is being drafted to further detail the requirements of the Additional Protocol and the current Safeguards Agreement. This paper outlines major proposed provisions of the revised Order and the new Manual, describes the process of developing the Order and Manual, and reports on the current status of development.