RangerMasterTM is the embedded firmware for Quantrad Sensor’s integrated nuclear instrument package, the RangerTM. The RangerTM, which is both a gamma-ray and neutron detection system, was originally developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory for in situ surveys at the Plutonium Facility to confirm the presence of nuclear materials.1 The new RangerMasterTM software expands the library of isotopes and simplifies the operation of the instrument by providing an “easy” mode suitable for untrained operators. The expanded library of the RangerTM now includes medical isotopes 99Tc, 201Tl, 111In, 67Ga, 133Xe, 103Pa, and 131I; industrial isotopes 241Am, 57Co, 133Ba, 137Cs, 40K, 60Co, 232Th, 226Ra, and 207Bi; and nuclear materials 235U, 238U, 233U, and 239Pu. To accomplish isotopic identification, a simulated spectrum for each of the isotopes was generated using SYNTH.2 The SYNTH spectra formed the basis for the knowledge-based expert system and selection of the regions of interest that are used in the pattern recognition system. The knowledge-based pattern recognition system was tested against actual spectra under field conditions.