The Nuclear Material Control and Accountability Assessment methodology must be a process that facilitates continuous improvement. This paper will evaluate two methods of internal performance-based assessments of Nuclear Material Control and Accountability (MC&A) at the Savannah River Site. One method requires that the assessments be conducted by the central MC&A organization, which would assess only the MC&A functional area of Safeguards and Security. In 1991, this method was implemented at Savannah River Site (SRS) in response to a DOE Office of Security Evaluation concern recommending an independent assessment program. The second method (alternative) involves the conduct of the assessment by a site level MC&A expert assigned membership on a Facility Evaluation Board (FEB). The Westinghouse Savannah River Company (WSRC) FEB annually performs a two week independent performance based assessment of all applicable functional areas at each SRS facility. In 1996, a pilot was performed where a site level MC&A expert was temporarily assigned to the FEB to perform an MC&A assessment at a major facility. The paper will characterize each method through discussion of advantages and disadvantages. The paper will conclude which method is most effective based on various indicators.