The aim of the AMETHYST (AutoMatic Event auTHentication sYSTems) project is to encourage the development of a high-performance perimeter detection system by using video assessment to enhance the Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (PIDS). AMETHYST will automatically assess the cause of all PIDS alarms and pass to an operator only those alarms that are likely to be caused by an intruder. It will, therefore, filter out alarms that are not likely to have a human cause. Previous papers introduced the AMETHYST concept1 and the development of a prototype system2. This paper reports on the development of enhanced algorithms and also the operational deployment and evaluation of AMETHYST prototype systems. Finally, the paper describes progress towards the development of a commercial production system. AMETHYST prototypes have been installed at two Government-related installations that have existing perimeter security systems. Both sites, despite possessing state-of-the-art systems, experience excessive false and nuisance alarms* during periods of extreme weather conditions. AMETHYST has been able to reduce these alarm rates by up to 85%, whilst still ensuring a high probability of detection. Data from these sites have been used to guide the development of sophisticated algorithms incorporating techniques that are not normally practical to apply to VMD and other video-based detection systems3. Having demonstrated the success of the AMETHYST concept, PSDB is now directing the development of a pre-production system. This system will benefit from the lessons learnt from the operational deployment of prototype systems. The aim is to allow AMETHYST systems to be made commercially available with a high level of performance, high reliability and a relatively low price.