A Data Acquisition System (DAS) For Evaluation of Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems (PIDS)

Graham Leach - Home Office, (Police Scientific Development Branch)
Stephen G. Tarr - Police Scientific Development Branch
One of the key activities undertaken by PSDB is the assessment of commercial, off-the-shelf, Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems (PIDS). This is to ensure that, in making decisions about the procurement of such systems, the UK Government has necessary information about system performance. These evaluations focus on determining detection and false (nuisance) alarm performance, but also take account of other factors such as ease-of-maintenance and reliability. This paper describes a new Data Acquisition System (DAS) which is being installed at PSDB’s 15-zone test facility at Langhurst. The DAS, as delivered, will record up to 64 alarm channels and 32 video channels, and store alarm and meteorological data online for 5 years. Details on mains-voltage fluctuations and thunderstorm activity are also collected and are easily crossreferenced with alarm records. The new system includes features that will help researchers represent data about a PIDS as helpfully and fairly as possible. It will help researchers collect and analyse data considerably more efficiently than was possible with the older, less-reliable, more-time-consuming system. The new system, running on Windows NT, also interfaces directly to the secure PSDB office network. It is intended that the new DAS will also monitor the performance of PIDS at sites remote from the main test site. This will employ the same data collection and analysis software as is used at the main site. Data will be transmitted via modem or by removable hard disk.