As we enter a new millennium, one question still lies partially unanswered. How to address two major challenges which are lasting economic growth and improved human welfare. That means learning to think about the environment as part and parcel of energy policy-making or, in other words, creating a « sustainable development ». In that respect, optimize available energetic resources and minimize waste production are primary objectives. The nuclear industry has integrated these goals with the recycling of plutonium into MOX fuel. For years, the French nuclear industry - of which the COGEMA Group is one of the first and foremost representative - has adopted and promoted plutonium recycling. For COGEMA, manufacturing of MOX fuel is performed into three MOX fabrication plants: Cadarache, Melox in France and Belgonucléaire-Dessel in Belgium. The operational results of this policy are rather self-explanatory: 11 French EDF reactors operate with MOX fuel in routine conditions and with excellent in-reactor performance and 12 other reactors are loaded in Germany, Belgium and Switzerland. Fifty reactors should be loaded by the year 2000. The rationale of this policy lies in a wise and sound perception of today's energy needs as well as a relentless and fruitful industrial policy.