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Transnuclear, Inc. (TN) is designing a Transportation, Aging and Disposal (TAD) System. Current efforts are focused on the TAD Canisters, a Transportation Overpack and an Aging Overpack. The TAD Canisters include the TN21P which accommodates up to 21 PWR spent fuel assemblies (SFAs) and the TN44B accommodates up to 44 BWR SFAs. The external dimensions of both canisters are identical allowing them to be shipped and/or stored in identical overpacks. The TN21P and TN44B Canisters will be licensed for storage under the requirements of 10CFR Part 72 with a maximum heat load of approximately 36 kW for the TN21P and 30 kW for the TN44B Canisters. As burnups of the discharged SFAs from nuclear reactors are increasing, decay heats from these SFAs are also increasing. The dry storage systems currently being procured by the utilities have high burnup, high heat load SFAs. TN is taking the design enhancements made to the 61BTH canister and incorporating them into the TN21P and TN44B canister designs to increase the heat load for storage under the requirements of 10CFR Part 72 with high burnup (up to 62 GWD/MTU) and high heat load SFAs. These TAD systems are designed to be in compliance with the DOE Transportation, Aging and Disposal System Performance Specification. The TN TAD Transportation Overpack (TO) will be licensed for transportation of these TAD Canisters with decay heat loads of approximately 26kW under the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) requirements of 10CFR Part 71. The TN TAD TO includes the TN21P and TN44B Canisters as payloads. The TN Aging Overpack (AO) is also being designed to meet the requirements identified in the DOE Transportation, Aging and Disposal System Performance Specification, such that following transport to the aging facility the canisters can be directly loaded into the aging overpack. The TN TAD AO is being designed to accommodate both the TN21P and TN44B Canisters with heat loads compatible with the payload of the TN TAD TO.