The 9977 General Purpose Fissile Package A Replacement for the 6M Specification Package

Glenn Abramczyk - Savannah River National Laboratory
A. C. Smith - Savannah River National Laboratory
L. F. Gelder - Savannah River National Laboratory
P. S. Blanton - Savannah River National Laboratory
J. D. Malloy - Novatech
The 9977 General Purpose Fissile Package (GPFP) is a robust, single containment package, capable of transporting Plutonium and Uranium metals and oxides. The DOT 6M specification package is being withdrawn from service and the GPFP has been designed as a cost-effective, user-friendly replacement. The design incorporates the proven Chalfont type containment vessel, employed by the widely used 9975 package. Based on the package size and proposed contents, its evaluation includes the 10CFR71.73 “Crush” test. To ensure this capability, the package overpack was constructed using urethane foam and load distribution features. Testing has confirmed the package’s ability to withstand the hypothetical accident condition tests, as specified in the Code of Federal Regulations.